August 11, 2010 - The Beauty of the Sketchbook . . .
I carry a small (4 x 6") sketchbook with me at all times. I tell students: as long as you have a sketchbook, you never have downtime. Waiting room at the dentist becomes sketch time. Sitting outside pre-school to pick up my son . . sketch time.
The realities of making a living and raising my two little scrappers have limited my ability to fill my original goal of posting a sculpture a week along with my daily drawings. I'll continue to post whatever is going on in my sketchbook or studio, and hope to get more clay work posted soon! Thanks for checking in, and as always, I hope you have something to say, because I love to listen. Go ahead, speak your mind.
Yes. I must start doing this too Ed and if they look as good as your sketches I'll be well happy. Thanks